Pandemic, in and out of the games?

2021 is over and not too soon for some, the world of gaming was like any other hit by the pandemic, but as many of us were WFH or working from home, the world of gaming was hit by delays and and questionable management.

Working in the gaming industry is a dream come true for many gamers, but when that dream turns to nightmare, you wonder if the entertainment world is not what is all it seems to be and why we are seeing exodus from many of the AAA studios. Is it because of the brand, the shareholders or just a perfect environment for predators to dangle and then destroy the dreams of others. We will probably never know as those who whishes to remain in the industry must keep quiet not to be blacklisted. Will this have an impact on the future games? What will be the impact on certain franchises? I believe that we will find out soon enough.

2021 did have its share of good and bad games, but has I look back, I am more interested in talking about the good games that I had the pleasure of discovering and playing last year, as it is always better to delve into the good and not the bad. so here are my favorite games for 2021.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits, well this one from Ember Labs was an amazing surprise, it is hard to believe that a studio known for commercial animation could develop such a beautiful and entertaining game, and honestly I wished that more studios did the same.

Resident Evil Village, well when a franchises manages to age that well and still keep us hoping for more, they are doing something right, and Resident Evil Village did have one of the best jump scare in ages, keeping the horror present in the title is what makes this one on the short list.

Returnal, This one bring a different type of horror, but it does manages to keep you alert at all times and the storyline behind it is plainly amazing, this is one of my favorite PS5 title so far.

Speaking of franchise, one can’t go without the mention of Halo, a bit underwhelming, it is still respectful of the lore of the Halo universe and is deserving of an honorable mention.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, is another one where the nostalgia of the previous game is continued into the latest title, and Insomniac as shown that what was learned when working on Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Miles Morales can be used in other games, the fluidity of the combat and travelling was exceptional in it.

While we are on the subject of superheroes, Eidos Montreal showed Marvel, that not only could they do great with the Avengers, but came back with Guardians of the Galaxy, showing that they too could create great superhero video games.

And to complete my list I have to add Far Cry 6, after Far Cry: New Dawn, I was uncertain as to what direction Ubisoft was taking with that franchise and the fact that the game was delayed, but I have to say that I was pleased to see it returning to the style it was, can barely wait to see what Far Cry 7 will be like.

Your favorite game may not be in this list, and that is the beauty of the world of gaming, there is always something that will appeal to some players and not to others, so keep an open mind and keep gaming. Put 2021 behind you and look forward to 2022.