Gamer Over Man!

Release on August 24th, Aliens Fireteam Elite is a third-person shooter game in the worlds of Aliens the movie franchise and places the player in a three man Colonial Marines fireteam. The game lets the player choose one of 6 different classes to play. These are  Gunner, Demolisher, Technician, Doc, Phalanx, and Recon. Each having specific abilities. the game campaign is based on four stories and each one contains three missions. Your three member fireteam can be you and 2 other players or AI controlled. As it is with many games customization is a big parts of this one, not only can you customize how your character dresses but also how your weapon looks and what attachments are on it. But this is not the end of the customization, as with most shooter games, you also get to select your loadout of secondary, weapon, and support gear. choose wisely as the quantity is limited and finding some more during a mission is rare.

If you have played Aliens Isolation, where the game was mostly hide a seek game, Aliens Fireteam Elite, places you in the thick of things, you want xenomorph, you will get plenty of them and whether you are teaming with regular players or Ai controlled ones, the fights can be challenging. Challenge wise this game not only offers different levels of difficulty but you can also activate challenge cards, which will add another hindrance to your mission.

This game AI on the enemy and the teammate side is good, the enemy will swarm you from all sides, but the teammates AI will also respond correctly, and they do not require you to guide them where to go or tell them to shoot the xenomorphs. So far I have played many missions with AI controlled teammates and I even been revived by one on a few occasions. Team member Alpha and Beta do work well, so if you had decided not to buy the game as it would require other players, no need you can play it in solo mode with the AI support members.

For review purposes, the game was tested on the PS5 console. The game from Cold Iron Studios is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox One Xbox Series and PC.

Aliens Fireteam Elite is Flaming Hot, and you don’t need to know the Aliens lore or a movie fan to enjoy it, but if you are, you will recognize the amount of it that can be found and add to the enjoyment of this game.