Protect your border
Contraband Police is available on Steam since March the 8th. It is the third game from the independent studio Crazy Rocks Studio and it is publish by PlayWay. If you would like to try the game Contraband Police Prologue is available for free on Steam and lets you try the five days of training.
You have been selected to replace the chief of the border patrol, after he was arrested for selling contraband. You will be tasked with validating the documents and vehicules at yoiu border crossing. It is important that you keep your border crossing in shape and upgrade whenever possible, that can be achieved by hiring more guards or by adding or improving the infrastructure.
The game offers many options, whether it is the difficulty level or even the language. No, you are not able to change the audio track, but not a problem for the subtitles and the documents found in game.
At first the game seems pretty easy, but you soon realize that the little nuances of it all was not noticeable at first from the beginner’s point of view. During my first attempt of the 5 days of training, all of them ended with some money. You will quickly discover, by performing well you get paid, and an amount is deducted for mistakes and for the wear and tear of the border crossing station. Also picking up an object does not automatically put it in your hands, therefore inventory management is a skill one needs to learn to play this game.
Finale note
The hardest part of the game is the driving and with the addition of ambushes it makes it even more treacherous. As of writing this the addition of game controller support was added, I have yet to test it, but driving with a controller or a keyboard, I will take the controller any day. This game is HOT and goes to prove that a small independent studio is able to produce high quality game. The review copy was provided by Crazy Rocks Studio and PlayWay, the game was tested on an Asus ROG desktop.