Got punked

After multiple delays Cyberpunk 2077 was finally released on December 10th, the company made money with this release but the players got the short end of the stick. It is expected of game to have a few bugs on release day, but usually the first day updates solves most of these issues. For CD Projekt RED new game, this was not the case, many expected the delayed release was because of the next generation consoles and that the game would take full advantage of it. That was the first mistake, the game was delayed as it was not ready, and was barely ready for launch, hence the multiples updates in just a few days.

The gaming world expectation of this new game after the success of the Witcher III by that studio, were quite high and they under delivered. In the early days of the release, while performing the evaluation of  the game on the PS5, it would suddenly crash after about a single hour of playtime. with update 1.03 and 1,04 the playing time was about 2 to 3 hours before the games crashes. Now with update 1.06 the game crashes at about 4 hours of playtime, In the game it self, you can currently find hundreds of video on YouTube of issues. I personally experienced one of them, after failing a mission  where I was in the passenger seat, it reloaded the last checkpoint but this time I was in the driver seat and my head was half way behind where it should be and my vision was obstructed by my hair, This does not take in account the number of times where the game shows items that can be picked up but you never get the prompt to do so regardless of the angles you try.

Sounds and Graphics : Warm

Graphics are okay for this game not bad but not that great, nothing that would justify the delay in the release. Sounds, if you like the music in this game, you will get lots of it, as most of the area were you get into a conflict, there will be multiple radios that you can turn off, and of course there is always the radio in the vehicles.

Scenario : Hot

For any player of the table top RPG version, the social classes and clashes have been respected in the game, it is somewhat easier to get implants and have them replaced in the video game. Street creds are also a major currency in this game, the more you get the better the gear and implants you can get your hands on.

Gameplay : Hot

If it wasn’t for the amount of time the game crashed in the middle of a mission, the enjoyment of it would have been much higher. The game is not restrictive and there are many if not vary many side mission to complete, The enemy are different and the sectors of the city are gang controlled therefore the enemy and the gear will be different depending where you are. Driving and finding an assault to interrupt can often happen as they are not always visible on the map. There are different way to approach a mission and the game allows the player to select his favorite way whether it is a stealth one of a full head on gun blazing one. Replay value for this game is pretty good, as you can only have one of the arm implants on at the time, if you prefer the blades, the Gorilla punch or the projectile arm, you can have one of them, but if you want to experience all of them and see the results on the long run, subsequent playthrough will be required.

Overall : Lukewarm

With the many pitfalls of the game in it’s current state, I say it is below what the community was expecting for this title. Hoping the XBox Series and the Playstation 5 version scheduled to be released in 2021 will correct these problems. Until then the game is in the true image of what 2020 was for many of us and even Keanu Reeves can’t save it.