Sometimes things should be left dead

Diablo II Resurrected was to be more than just a remastered version of a game that is over 20 years old. As it is often the case with the games coming out of Blizzard Entertainment, the hype the marketing team generates is too often too high for the final product. To put things back in perspective when the game originally came out, the hand held Nintendo device of the time was the Gameboy Advance, therefore the graphic of the time were what they were. Now in 2021 the handheld Nintendo device is the Switch, which as the same graphic capacity as the other consoles, so showing me the difference on how the graphics have improved, well I would have been disappointed if it had been less. That the cinematics have been fully redone, again it is expected as Blizzard Entertainment is know for the great cinematics in their games. As for the sound improvements, again technology has improved and it was applied to this remake, but selling me a game stating that it is more than a remake, while one of the main flaws of the original game remains, no thank you and definitely not at that price.

Many reviewers were telling people not to by the game, not on the quality of the product but because of the bad publicity Activision and Blizzard Entertainment were undergoing in relation to how they treated their employees, I prefer to put the company politics aside in evaluating a game, but if you are selling it and creating a certain level of expectation then you should deliver as such. Diablo II Resurrected, is not worth the money, for the same amount I can get Baldur’s Gate and Baldur’s Gate 2 in a combo, for the same amount, their is certainly no incentive for me to throw money at a game that should be selling at 19.99$ and not 39.99$. One would think that after the fiasco that was Warcraft III Reforged, that the studio would have been more diligent on the product being release to the customer.

For review purpose that game was tested on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in portable mode. The game is also available for Xbox One, Xbox Series, PC Windows and MacOS.

To me this game is as cold  as a corpse and should not have been resurrected. Updated sounds and effects, new cinematics,  putting lipstick on a pig, does not change the fact that it is a pig. Stay away and keep your money for another one.