Time to fight another dictatorship!

Released on October 7th, the game places you back in an exotic location that is under the rule of a ruthless head of state, that seems to have no qualms in having citizens arrested beaten and even killed. Far Cry 6 marks the return of fighting against the established law enforcement agencies, compared to Far Cry 5 where the local leader had taken over and created his own police state, where the local law enforcement officers were hunted down. But as in any Far Cry the questions remains, are you truly fighting for the righteous cause.

After Far Cry New Dawn, the fans of the series were skeptical as to where this series would go, but after seeing the announcement and that the nemesis was portrayed by non other than Giancarlo Esposito. And bang the user could relate, this is a known face, that has portrayed villains in the past, therefore it make perfect sense. And this ruler is a total psychopath, ruthless and power hungry. The country of Yara seems to be based on Cuba, and it goes to the point, since Yara is producing a drug that cures cancer and the leader refuses to sell it to the Americans. The narrative of this game makes it as it is often the case in the series, mores like playing the adventures of a novel more than a game.

Speaking of the game, this one is pushing the boundaries of ingenuity with the creation of resolver weapons, honestly this is the first time that I see a game with a CD throwing weapon, and let’s not forget the depleted uranium backpack that you carry which can be an EMP generator, a rocket launcher or more. Yes as per  the previous game you are sent on errands left and right and most of the action is in first person shooters, but if every game had that much details and effort put in the narration, many game would provide more enjoyment. If you are a fan of simple shooter and could care less of the story, this game might not be for you, maybe something like Call of Duty would be more appropriate, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that Call of Duty is a hollow game without any storyline, I am just saying that there are just a few game where the narrative is what drives it more. The game is not perfect and I did uncover some flaws, but even those were not enough to hinder my appreciation of this game.

For review purpose, the game was tested in PS5 and PS4. The copy of the game was provided by Ubisoft. The game was released on October 7th and is available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Google Stadia, Windows PC.

Far Cry 6 is Flaming Hot and a perfect return to the game style that the fans know and love.