One leap of faith! 

God of War which came out in 2018 already, will finally be available  for player on Windows PC, same as Days Gone which was also release for PC earlier this year. With platform like Google Stadia, the transition of games from console to PC is much more expected and since user are able to use a controller as well as the keyboard and mouse combo. For Days Gone the game play is mostly in the third person shooter, therefore the use of the mouse and keyboard combo made the game much more easier, honestly aiming and shooting with a mouse is much more easier than with a controller. On the other hand God of War is more a hack ‘n slash type of game there fore the controller would probably be more suitable for this one.

If you have not tried God of War and enjoy story driven games, keep an eye out for God of War coming out on PC, January 14th 2022. Get ready to take part in the adventure of Kratos!