The sidekicks turn

Gotham Knights is the latest game from WB Games in the Batman universe. Now that he is dead, it falls upon the sidekicks, Robin , Batgirl, Nightwing and Red Hood to join forces and solve the last case the Batman was working on.

Old and new

The game is for the latest generation of consoles and Windows PC, so the expectation on graphics is high, which this game fails to deliver. The game supposed to be released for the previous generation and I feel, that is what the end product is. The arcade game Spy Hunter was a nice addition, I have lost count of how many quarters that game swallowed in my youth. Trying to beat BW high score is a real challenge.

Not Alone

Strange to say, but even if he repeated it over and over ” I work alone” the sidekicks of the Batman, can actually team-up, as the game offer co-op play. Yet the game will et you progress and succeed even if like the Batman, you play alone. Changing heroes, is not something new to this franchise, as you were able in the past with some DLC, to play mission as other characters than the Batman. You can decide to select a different hero, just to see if it fits you playing style.

Change is good

The game does offer something the previous ones did not, the ability to change the costume and obtain different looks. you will also be able to improve on your weapon, be it melee or range. And last but not least, the Knighthood, which enables a special ability, that is unique to each character, and the way to obtain the Knighthood, is also based on the individual.

Final note

For the review, the evaluation was based on my gameplay on the PlayStation 5. The game may get a WARM welcome by the fans of the franchise. but I regret to say that not only the Batman was killed in this the game, but the entire series as well. WB Games Montreal I am calling you out! This game should not have been cancelled on the PS4 and the Xbox One.