What if ?

The game Guardians of the Galaxy has been out since October 26th, which is over a month ago. When announced at E3, my expectations were low, as the Avenger game was not so hot, when compared to other superheroes games available. The Eidos Montreal Studio is part of the Japanese Square Enix family, and is mostly known for the Tomb Raider and Deus Ex series, it was the creative team behind the Marvel’s Avengers game and it seems that Marvel trusted the studio enough to entrust them to create the Guardians of the Galaxy game.

Compared to the Avengers game, Guardians of the Galaxy is a solo player game, even if you are part of a team, it mixes the action combat sequences with the decision making and the impact they will have on the NPC you interact with. I was a huge fan of the Marvel Universe movies showcasing the Guardians, and to see that the game took some of my favorite movie elements and added them to this game, I was pleasantly surprised, and to add to my pleasure being a fan of Iron Maiden and seeing that the creator of the game added a Steve Harris wristband was a nice touch. The game is a good mix of exploration, combats, and decision making. You also get to improve your team’s gear s long as you find the materials to do so. Because you can change the decisions that you make and that it does have an impact on what happens, the game can be replayed many time while obtaining different results.

For review purposes, the game was tested on the PS5, the game is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.


This game is Flaming Hot and hoping that Eidos Montreal gets more project of that kind in the near future, they have shown that they can step out of the Tomb Raider mold and come up with excellent games. Eidos Montreal was also the only Canadian based studio with a win at the 2021 Game Awards, the the category best narrative, with Guardians of  the Galaxy, it also had my vote for best soundtrack but did not win it.