Diving in the thick of things
Helldivers II from Arrowhead was available as of February 8th. Just in time for players who are not football fans and were looking for a team game for the SuperBowl weekend.
With an advertisement that strangely resembles what was used in the movie Starship Troopers. A recruiting officer offers you to become a Helldiver, to defend the super Earth from the invasion of insectoid creatures. Your adventure begins with a tutorial that once completed, your character gets his Helldiver cape.
Changing style
In the first version of the game, everything was in a dropdown view. It was as much in his ship as on the battlefield. For this second opus there is a transition, the game is now, a third-person shooter. Even the interactions on the ship, are in the third person. In the original game the player only had to ensure a straight line to the enemy, now elevation is also a factor.
Do not go alone
It is possible to launch a mission alone, but the game is definitely designed for a team. It could greatly benefit from the use of bots to complete the squadron, as it was provided in the game Aliens Fireteam Elite. This option would allow to continue when our friends are not available. Let’s just say that your chance of survival greatly increases or decreases based on the number of squad members.
A buggy start
During my gaming sessions for the evaluation of Helldivers II, there were many interruption as the game would crash. This occurred as much on the version of the console PS5 as on the PC. This type of problem with a PC version is more common, since the components are different from one system to another. Although for the PS5 console, the components are the same, so should not be as frequent. At the time of writing this article, an update was released, hoping this will be the answer to this issue.
Finale note
For evaluation purposes, the gaming sessions were performed on an ASUS ROG PC and the PS5 console. Copies of the game were courtesy of Sony Interactive Entertainment of Canada. The game is currently WARM with a rough start hoping it get’s hotter, once it is fixed.