©Guerrilla Games – Horizon Forbidden West PC Edition

And she is back

Horizon Forbidden West PC Edition is finally available for PC gamers. Those players will now be able to pursue the adventures of Aloy in the Forbidden West, including the Burning Shores.


Sometime after the events of the original game, Aloy now finds herself looking for a backup copy of Gaia to correct the Earth’s regeneration cycle which is out of control. Her adventures leads her to the dangerous region, the Forbidden West. Where she will find that her quest to save the Earth is far from over.

Old and new friends

For fans who have completed the first adventures of Aloy, some familiar faces will return and new ones will be joining her quest. Our heroine will find love, but it is not necessarily with whom we thought. This situation has already spilled a lot of ink, so I will not add on the subject.

From console to PC

Unlike the console, the game on PC can be played with a controller or the keyboard-mouse combination, this is a very personal choice. The transition in the graphics seems to be more pronounced on PC. I remember well the quality on console, although now on PC, everything seems even more crisp and more detailed.

The complete edition

Players who acquire Horizon Forbidden West PC Edition will have the advantage of not waiting for the expansion, which is included as part of the PC complete edition. To discover it, you just have to progress in the adventure until you unlock this new region becomes available.

Final note

For evaluation purposes, the gaming sessions were on an ASUS ROG PC with an RTX video card. The copy of the game was courtesy of Sony Interactive Entertainment Canada. The quality of the visual is in my opinion better on PC, which is why I give it a slightly higher grade on the PC version than I did on the console version review. This game is definitely a 5 ALARM FIRE.