Beta or not, here I go

Square Enix mightiest release is up in a little over a week, but for many that have per-ordered the game they already had a chance to play a lot of it if we look at the numbers provided to the Beta participant, 28 500 000 of collective hours played during these beta access hours, but to me what is more shocking is the 240 000 people that maxed out their character level. Will there be anything left for them to enjoy when the real release is out?

In all honesty the beta looked like a finished product, except for the New York mission I was unable to complete on the first beta weekend as it did not recognized that the objective was completed. Yes there were some updates in the beta, so let’s hope that it will be fixed prior to launch. The gameplay video that was presented is actually the start of the game and serves as a introduction to the controllers, button combination and the game plot. Since you start the game as Kamala Khan alias Miss Marvel and you find equipment boxes that helps improve your character abilities it does not take long for Miss Marvel to attain level 10, my problem is that when you open a box all item are for your active character, not a random piece that your could use or trade with another player. My concern is that I switched character over the 3 different weekends the bate was accessible to see how I could level my other team members. Well the experience was a bust, mission would fail and all equipment pieces collected would be removed and I would have to start all over again. hoping this is also resolved by launch

I am not a fan of coop games, just because of the attitude of certain players that makes the multiplayer mode toxic and unpleasant, so unless you can select people to team with this game will remain solo for me. And since I look all over during the beta trying to explore as much as possible teaming up with player that are in a hurry to dash to the end, I would rather stay away from that as enjoying the game in each of our way should be front and center.

The marketplace I really could not care for, the different suits, nameplates and emotes are just cosmetics and those should be found in game as part of loot from a boss fight, not in the form of currency transaction. Even if they have no impact on the character powers, people will still go crazy and buy everything under the sun just to show.

So far the Video showed so much promises, and the beta left me uncertain of what is to come, so at this moment I will not provide any grade and I will reserve that for the final game once it is released and I had a good amount of time in it. I hope you enjoyed your bate more than I did.