Streaming like no one is watching

Back in January, I had the pleasure to interview Nyxi, even if t was for the French magazine that I write, she said “yes” without any hesitation. When I decided to finally open my own website, I contacted her back to ask if it was okay to repost the interview done at that time and if she was willing to do a few follow up questions. And as generous as she is the answer was “sure! what are your questions?” So here is the original interview.

How long have you been streaming? and how did you come to do this?

I started a long time ago on the Twitch platform and switched over to Mixer in 2016. I played games my entire life and it just made sense to me. It was the natural progression to my career path.

Can streaming be the sole source of revenue, in other words could I quite my job and start streaming and live on the money from it?

Oh absolutely – but most likely not for everyone. “Big” streamers are able to because their subscription and donation revenue is enough to sustain them. Average sized channels usually have a second household income or work full-time.

Or hey… maybe they’re already rich and don’t care.

You have merchandise that can be purchased online, now knowing what it involves in time and effort and the revenue generated from it, would you do it again?

Merchandise is so easy to setup for a brand that the return on investment is almost always worth it. I am a Brand Ambassador for It’s easy to upload a design and have your items populate shortly after. What’s even more satisfying is seeing your community support you and walk around wearing your “image”. Huge sense of pride in that.

You stream very often almost everyday, and the fact that you have to be on camera and talking, how do you stay healthy?

I have a standing desk that I invested in and I watch what I eat as best I can. I’m not the epitome of fitness but I feel good. Despite gaming and broadcasting for a long while, I try to get a healthy amount of sleep in. It’s crucial for mental and physical health. I listen to my body.

You have so many years of gaming experience, I won’t say how many as it is impolite to refer to someone’s age. In all your years of experience, what do you fell has changed the most in the gaming industry to help attract female players?

This is a loaded question for me that I can talk about for hours so I will simply say that I appreciate Developers and companies being inclusive and minding what they do more than they ever did before. Gaming is about having fun and it should be for everyone. I’m also 34. I have ZERO shame in that. 🙂

From what I have seen you really enjoy FPS games, a type of games that is more often associated with the male player. What make this type fun for you?

I get to shoot people in the head.

As there is a Montreal based Overwatch female team called Sailors Scouts, do you think, that the presence of more female teams would help make the gaming community less toxic or would mixed team help more?

I think females shouldn’t hesitate to pursue what they love, alongside men who should do the same. It’s harder when there’s a ton of harassment but guess what? That’s never going away; at least for the near future.

The internet has a cesspool of shitty people that hide behind an illusion of anonymity   – but it’s also an awesome place to meet like-minded individuals that are kind-hearted and will step up when there’s negativity. Do what you love, respect each other and game on! Male or Female… this debate is tiresome. Just play and stop comparing.

Of all the games available today, if you had to chose to stream a single one for a whole month, which one would it be and why?

One month? Battlefield. I just love the game and I love the fire and passion it brings to the community. Destruction, war, and swearing. It’s infuriating and fun at the same time. That’s how i know I love it .

Beside streaming, what are the short term plans for Nyxi? Would casting be something you would be interested in?

I’ve had a hand in casting before , I enjoy doing panels during cons and love managing gaming communities. As for future plans, stay tuned cause some big ones are coming! I will always love my XBOX and I’m humbled by what gaming has brought to my life.

And months later, here are the follow up questions.

In January I asked you if you had only 1 game you could play for a whole month, you answered Battlefield, with all the new games that came out this year, 11 months later, would your answer the same and why?

I would say yes , but sprinkle a heavy dose of Apex Legends in that. 

I have watched quite a few of your streams, you are always enjoying yourself. Have you ever cancelled a stream because you had a bad day, or do you just stream the same?

Absolutely! We all have bad days. It really depends on what the issue is. I want to be there for others if they’re down or had a crappy Monday. That’s the core of my community. Support. If it’s something that can be fixed with some laughs and games; I’ll go live. Even if it can’t , more often than not I will force myself. However, we all need a break from the world. Same thing goes for streamers. On that odd occasion I take the night off. 

What is the event in your career that you are the most proud of in 2019?

When I first got hired to be the Streaming Coordinator for Halo: Outpost Discovery – I was super excited. An excellent way to spend my summer learning and networking and helping so many fans put a smile on their face. The highlight was being asked to moderate a panel with some of the most incredible women in the gaming industry. It was truly inspiring. 

Is there a game that is coming out in 2020 that you are looking forward to play and stream?

Cyberpunk 2077 and Hopefully Diablo 4 – Although I’m expecting that to have a delayed release.

As we near the holidays, what does Nyxi hope to find under the three?

Opportunities! I always like trying out new things and learning from them. Although they may be a little difficult to wrap 🤓

Awarded the Xbox MVP 2019, looking forward to see which award will come her way in 2020. If you need to change your mind, I suggest that you get online on Mixer and watch Nyxi and the NightOwls stream. This is what gaming and community is all about and should be supported, so follow her stream. Help streamers that are supportive to the gaming community and welcoming, that is the best way to fight bullying.