Cleaning house before going Forward

On the eve of the Forward event of Ubisoft,  the canadian CEO Yannis Mallat has resigned following accusations and allegations of misconduct. The announcement was made via a press release by Ubisoft.

According to the press release, Yannis Mallat was in charge of the Canadians studios of Montreal, Toronto, Quebec, Saguenay and Winnipeg. With those accusations it made it impossible for him to perform his duties. According to the press release Ubsoft will be going through some reorganization including the Human Resources department to help foster a safe working environment. As per Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot, Ubisoft failed in providing a safe working environment and will make the required changes within to ensure it. No toxic behavior is to be tolerated as it is in direct contradiction to the value and culture of the company.

Will this be enough not to overshadow the Forward presentation, only time will tell. I am looking forward to the FarCry 6, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Watchdog Legion and more.

Image: ©Dominick Gravel