Not as Wild as hoped for

Wild Hearts from Electronic Arts is a hunting game that take place in feudal Japan. You, the hunter are trying to clear the infested territories from the the altered creatures roaming the lands.
Stating that the game storyline is simplistic would be an understatement. The game does not break any new ground and feels like most hero game, where you are there to bring aids to others around you. This is just the way to get to the end, as others will not help unless you provide help first.
Low on originality
The game is very similar to Monster Hunter from Capcom. Not the the game is bad, it is just that it lacks in originality and seems more like a cheap knock-off. The main difference between the two is, that in Wild Hearts you also need to build equipment to progress in the exploration and not just weapons and armors.
Coop or solo
The game is playable in sole, but honestly the coop capability of the game is welcome. More especially when facing the Kemonos, those creatures are formidable foes and the extra helps, Let just says it drastically increase your survival chances. You can get support creatures in the game to help you in certain fights, but when it comes to the Kemonos, a friend can make the difference.
New evils
Since this game was designed for the new generations of consoles, one would expect the graphics to be of a higher quality. For an RPG game the characters emotions are non-existent, one can’t tell if one is sad or angry. It seems that many games created for the next generations of consoles have that flaw. Some can get away with, but RPG games like Wild Hearts, less so.
Final note
For review purpose the game was tested on a Playstation 5. The game is available on PS5, Xbox Series and PC. Since the game is preferably played with friends, I would wait until it is on sale. That game to me is on the warm side, but not enough to enflame the gamer in me.