Was there one under your tree?

A year later the Xbox Series game console was still the most sought after gift for Christmas 2021, but not far behind is the Xbox Series Replica Mini fridge.

This mini fridge can hold up to 12 can of your favorite drink and is the perfect addition to your gaming room, you can now get a cold drink to rehydrate you during your gaming session without being AFK for long, with its removable shelves and door shelves it can also hold a full size bottle of soft drink or juice. IT also includes the light up top with the green Xbox Series glow and the Xbox logo on the front door as well as a USB port that can be used to charge your devices.

Why not take it on the road, the mini fridge comes with a regular wall outlet cord but also a car outlet cord that can be used when going to the cabin or on a picnic. There are rumors on the web that it is loud, well, it is not louder than a computer fan or a small desk fan, so if that is not loud for you, that mini fridge will not be noisy to you.

The mini fridge was available in the USA exclusively at Target, for the Canadian buyers, you could pre-order it in December on the Microsoft Xbox site, but delivery only starts only at the end of January 2022. So, if you are like me, the only way to get one under your tree for Christmas was to go to the American neighbors South of the border, if you were not lucky enough to get one, Congrats! As it sold out in minutes, for those that did not get one, you can look at the resell sites where they now are available at twice if not triple the price. I recommend that you wait to see if their is a second production of it and wait for the price to drop, let us not support scalpers that keeps making money of our backs on things we want and that they could not care less about.

To me, it is  a true Solar Flare, the perfect conversation starter as well as a very useful addition to my gaming room.

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